Office Water Coolers

Office water coolers are more than just a means of refreshment, they embody the social spirit of the workplace. But even beyond the symbolic importance, it’s important for employees to have a reliable and efficient means to get water throughout the day. Drinking water will improve people’s health as hydration is an important part of staying healthy, which in turns affects people’s mental health and attitudes as well as improving efficiency. Getting the right office water coolers will improve the workplace for everyone and who doesn’t like that? So if you’re in need of some premium coolers there are a few things you’ll want to check out so you get everything you need with out spending too much.

Types of Water Coolers and Their Benefits to Your Office

There are several types of water coolers each kind having it’s own advantages and disadvantages. Below are a few of the typical office scenarios and which water cooler dispenser will be best and why that is.

If you’re office is…

  • low on floor space then you’ll want to look into getting a countertop water cooler. These units are similar to the big water coolers you see everywhere except they have miniaturized the refrigeration so that they can fit onto table tops or desks in the office. This will come in very handy if you have a small break room that has a spot for a countertop water cooler and not much more. And believe it or not they cost about the same as a regular water cooler
  • full of coffee and tea drinkers. The best type of office water cooler for this situation is the models that have both hot and cold dispensers. These models are very convenient as they still offer that same benefits of the regular white water coolers, while also having a small reservoir of hot water that people can use to make tea or coffee instantly. These models tend to cost a little more, maybe $10-15 more but in the long run they pay for themselves.
  • in need of water in remote locations (i.e. not near any water lines). In this instance, a bottled water cooler dispenser would be necessary. Because the water supply is bottled, these units can be located anywhere so long as their is an outlet to chill the water (and if there’s no outlet you still get room temperature water. This is a big advantage over the plumbed water coolers which require being plumbed into the existing water lines. The disadvantage is you have to keep refilling the bottles and some of the 5 gallon water bottles can be heavy.
  • in need of extra refrigeration space then you definitely need to check out the water cooler dispensers with a built in refrigerator. These nifty units take the bottom compartment of the water cooler that is normally just empty space and connect it to the compressor to get a small refrigerated compartment. Now these aren’t terribly big, but they are big enough for a couple of people to put their lunches in or maybe to store some cold soda beverages. This can be especially handy if you have office space on the second floor and don’t want to walk all the way downstairs to grab your lunch or a drink.
  • plagued with highly chlorinated or otherwise awful tasting water you’ll want to look into a filtered water dispenser. These units have built in filters that will remove chlorine, iron, sulfur and other drinking water contaminants to provide clean, great tasting water. Some of the higher end units will actually have reverse osmosis (RO) built right in for the purest water possible.

Where to Find the Lowest Prices on Office Water Coolers

Chances are that if you’re here you’re shopping around trying to find cheap office water coolers. I can tell you from my experience purchasing a water cooler for my office that you’re going to want to make sure and get the feature that is best suited for your situation. While their may be cheaper options out there, a quality office water cooler will last longer and make everyone happier. That being said you can find some amazing deals online as there are a number of websites that offer discounts on water cooler dispensers. In particular, Amazon has some pretty good prices and a great reputation for customer service. In fact, I’ve found that anytime I find a great deal online Amazon will either be the same or just barely more and since they offer free shipping over $25, it winds up being smarter to go with them.